Multiple Magic continued…

One of the scariest things that a MOM can face is letting their multiples loose in a crowded place.  Personally, the more I can contain my toddler twins, the better.  However, I proved myself wrong on our last trip to WDW.  LET THEM WALK, AND WALK AND WALK SOME MORE!  Why?  They got exhausted and when we returned to our resort for naptime or bedtime, it was much easier staying consistent with our sleeping routine.  (We all know how important staying in a routine is when you have multiples.)  Now don’t get me wrong, a stroller is still a necessity especially when you have to move through the parks quickly to grab a FASTPASS or to get a seat for the parades.  Plus, it is inevitable that your children will need a break from walking and should be put in the stroller, but this is the time to let go of your fears of giving your multiples freedom; where else would you feel comfortable enough to do this?  The most magical place on Earth of course!

Multiple Magic: When the fighting starts between multiples, which it always does, put one child in the stroller and let the other one walk.  This is a great solution to not having a “time out” spot!

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